Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chinese Food, Field Trips and Building Houses

This has really been a spectacular week, there's no other way of describing it. On Sunday, the hubster and I were about as stereotypical a newly married couple as you can get and ordered Chinese takeout. It was delicious
I also went on not one, but two field trips this week. You would be amazed as the giddiness of senior nursing students when they get to go on field trips. On Monday we went to the State Public Health Lab and Capitol Building.

On Tuesday we went to the Holocaust Museum. I don't have pictures from there, but it was an incredible experience to talk to a Holocaust survivor and hear his account firsthand.

Thursday night I road tripped down with a friend to Joplin, MO to help with Extreme Makeover Home Edition, who is building 7 houses in 7 days there to restore the community after the tornadoes there. It was an incredible, eye-opening sight to go there and see the amount of devestation that is still there now.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Perfect Fall Day

Yesterday the husband and I spent a perfect fall day at our little getaway.

First we hiked up the Centennial Trail.

Then we went on a boat ride with our parents' friends. There were replicas of the Nina and Pinta in Grafton.

 We watched the sun set on the water and drank wine and ate hummus and I had to pee off the side of the boat which was a most interesting experience (and I apologize for no pictures to document it!).